CCH Axcess Practice Management Analytics

by | Practice Management Analytics

We have exciting news to share from the PIVOTL team…our newest product, the CCH Axcess Practice Management Analytics solution is now live! CCH Axcess users can now replace their static system reports with interactive dashboards that give clear, actionable insights into their CPA firm’s performance.

CCH Axcess users can assess firm performance through four dynamic modules, which allow them to evaluate how to increase revenue, reduce expenses, minimize risk and save time in their business.

Business analytics insights allow users to make decisions based on project efficiency, give attention to projects in need, allocate staff effectively and understand the roadblocks behind outstanding projects. Incorporating smart data analytics solutions from PIVOTL allows CCH Axcess users to understand the status, stage and structure of their projects.

Understanding staff’s capacity, time, and capabilities helps firm managers make many important decisions, including service pricing, scheduling, compensation and training and hiring needs. Incorporating smart data analytics solutions from PIVOTL allows managers to understand the capacity, projected time budgets and strengths & weaknesses of their staff.

Having access to smart data about clients helps CPA firms build better client service packages and targeted marketing efforts based on their most profitable client portfolios. This module allows firms to visualize new opportunities to provide more services to clients based on the information in their PIVOTL business analytics solution. Incorporating smart data analytics solutions from PIVOTL allows firms to get a full picture of the percentages of profitability, types and demographics of their “rock star” clients.

When partners, business owners and financial professionals have access to a clear and holistic view of company financials, they’re able to make quick decisions that impact the profitability and growth on behalf of their business. Building a data analytics strategy in harmony with practice management software enables managers to get a bird’s eye view of their firm’s performance while offering advanced capabilities to dive in to areas for improvement. Incorporating smart data analytics solutions from PIVOTL allows CPA firms to understand the revenue and profitability, trends and up-to-date status of their business’s financials.

Through these four unique modules, CPA firms can gain a comprehensive picture of their firm’s performance, allowing them to make data-driven decisions that increase their business’s profitability and incite growth.

Ready to learn how PIVOTL’s CCH Axcess Practice Management Solution can help your firm? Visit or reach out to Pat Toole at to schedule a free demo today.